
I write fantasy and science-fiction, wrestling intellectual and inspiring themes, even when I write comic fantasy.

I started my professional writing career in my forties and do not intend to stop until I die, they take my pen away and seal my grave.

When not writing, I am found plugged in, coding. I am either programming AI that will become self-aware and hellbent on world domination or making games involving trolls. Not quite sure which it is, my wife is often seen narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously.

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Some of my favorite fantasy includes: The Sword of Truth Series, the Discworld books, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein and more. I am a huge fan of the Doctor Who TV show. I have seen or heard every episode, even the old black and white episodes that have been lost.

My favorite author is Ayn Rand, and she is the author of my favorite novels, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. These are amazing works of literature. If you like these books, I think you will like my work. If you already like my work, then you should enjoy Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead!